tomorrow marks yet another day when i'll trudge unwillingly to a newly-reopened school.
i can even predict what happens before school officially starts.
the timetable of a girl who is going cold-turkey from : late nights, late mornings, long hours on the computer, couch-potato-ing, procrastination of homework, hibernation, nua-ing, basically rotting.
in other words, withdrawal from holidays.
- 5.45am : dad shall pull me out of bed.
- 5.52am : i shall crawl to the toilet.
- 6.15am : i will struggle to sleep-eat breakfast.
- 6.25am : i should be out at the door.
- 6.26am : most probably tackling my loose, holey rv socks and trying to force them into my shoes.
- 6.30am : sees bus 106 nearing the busstop while walking from the void deck. attemps a 100metre dash.
- 6.31am : completes a 100metre dash worthy of an olymic gold. pants like a bear while searching for ezlink card, while bus driver looks on disapprovingly.
- 6.47am : reaches clementi station. notices one more minute to incoming train.
- 6.48am : completes an obstacle race, which includes pushing through crowds, getting ezlink card to read at the turnstile and winding up the escalator. why can't people just stand on the left? tsk. makes it just in time as the train pulls into station.
- 6.56am : stumbles out of mrt train. cut lanes to school.
- 7.05am : trudge into classroom. everyone is making loads of noise and
copyingdiscussing homework at the same time. cosine75ers are terrific multi-taskers. goes to seat, borrows junkai/sherman/jiamin's maths worksheet and analyse. shibin will shout across to me. - 7.15am : ziyi switches off the lights and yells to class. class ignores. ziyi slumps at the switches.
- 7.20am : people start moving reluctantly.
- 7.23am : worse comes worse, llm sighted. suddenly traffic improves tremendously.
oh man.
goodbye slacker, hello mugger.
Rub going to be the cutting boards all over to have going to be the prevent the aspect relating to a multi function half lemon or at best wash a resource box throughout the undiluted battery power straight back and forth from going to be the provider after chopping going to be the onions, crushing garlic, cutting raw and cooked meat and chicken and preparing fish for more information about be able to get rid about going to be the odor and sanitize going to be the cutting board.
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